Molly and Virginia

Wandering a sunflower field growing near the bay, a dear friend and her first daughter. 

The taste of bay blue crabs,

the feeling of wind gusts through sunflowers

and a sun-kissed joy only summer can bring. 


This shoot was inspired by the Greek goddess Demeter and the deep roots of mythology that have always influenced my work. The warm hues of the fields and motherhood had me thinking of the goddess of the harvest. The summer heat was in a hazy cloud, the kind that weighed you down if you weren't able to be near the water.  A sea of sunflowers as far as the eye could see bent in the forgiving breeze. A dress right out of pride and prejudice that fit Molly so perfectly, as if it was made for her.

We finished this photo adventure red in the face and ready to dip our feet off the dock. But my goodness, I was so thrilled to be able to photograph my dearest friend for the first time like this. Although Virginia has already been born and I'm a little late. Part two has been planned with that darling little girl and her mother. For now, enjoy my most lovely friend and these images of her before Virginia was born. 

LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
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LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
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larue photography loudoun county virginia photographer
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
larue photography loudoun county virginia photographer
larue photography northern virginia photographer loudoun county NOVA jess larue
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
larue photography northern virginia photographer loudoun county NOVA jess larue
larue photography loudoun county virginia photographer
larue photography northern virginia photographer loudoun county NOVA jess larue
larue photography northern virginia photographer loudoun county NOVA jess larue
DSC_3777ree.jpgLaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia
larue photography
larue photography
LaRue Photography NOVA photographer Virginia